Meet Marsha (Huan) Ma- Realtor®



  1. How long have you been in real estate?
    I’ve been in real estate for three years, and it’s been an incredible journey. Each year brings new opportunities and challenges, which I love.

  2. What made you decide to become a realtor?
    I decided to become a realtor because I’m someone who loves trying new things and embracing challenges. Before this, I worked as a marketing manager for a couple of years, but it started to feel a bit monotonous and uninteresting. I wanted to switch gears and find a career that was more dynamic and exciting. Real estate offered the perfect opportunity for that change.

  3. What areas or neighbourhoods do you specialize in?
    I have a large clientele who prefer the west, south, southwest and University areas of Edmonton. As a result, I have become very familiar with these communities and specialize in helping clients find the perfect homes in these regions.

  4. What types of properties do you most frequently work with?
    I usually work with all types of residential properties, including luxury homes. Some of my clients are looking for a home to live in, while others are interested in investment properties. Residential properties offer great options for both purposes.

  5. What is your background and certification?
    I have a background in engineering and marketing. The analytical mindset from engineering is valuable for analyzing data, evaluating risks, and making data-driven decisions. Marketers excel in strategic planning, innovation, and creativity, as well as problem-solving and positioning products in competitive markets. These knowledge and skills are necessary to provide top-notch service to my clients.


  1. What do you enjoy most about working in real estate?
    Every day in real estate is different. From meeting new clients, exploring diverse properties, and negotiating deals to handling unique challenges, the variety keeps things interesting and engaging. Also, the real estate market is dynamic and ever-changing. Staying abreast of market trends, legal regulations, financing options, and technological advancements keeps me intellectually stimulated and constantly learning.

  2. Can you share a memorable experience or success story from your real estate career?
    One memorable experience was when I helped a young family who had just moved to Edmonton from overseas. They were unfamiliar with the area and had a lot of specific needs for their new home. After understanding their requirements, I found a perfect house in the southwest area that matched their preferences. Seeing their excitement and relief when they found their ideal home was incredibly rewarding. It’s moments like these that make my job so fulfilling.

  3. What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?
    Outside of work, I like yoga, which helps me stay balanced and energized. I believe in the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

  4. Do you have a personal motto or philosophy regarding real estate?
    My personal philosophy in real estate is “Building relationships, not just transactions”. I believe that real estate is about more than just buying and selling properties; it’s about understanding people’s needs, dreams, and aspirations. By focusing on building strong, lasting relationships with my clients, I aim to provide a service that goes beyond the transaction and truly helps them achieve their goals.


  1. How do you approach helping clients buy or sell their homes?
    My approach is all about personalization and attentiveness. I take the time to understand their unique needs and preferences, provide detailed market insights, and guide them through each step of the process. Whether buying or selling, I aim to make the experience as smooth and stress-free as possible, ensuring my clients feel supported and well-informed throughout the journey.stions someone may have for me.

  2. What can clients expect when working with you?
    Clients can expect a high level of dedication, transparency, and personalized service when working with me. I prioritize clear and open communication, keeping them informed at every stage. My goal is to ensure they feel confident and supported throughout the buying or selling process, knowing that their best interests are always my top priority.

  3. How do you stay updated with the latest market trends and changes in the real estate industry?
    I stay updated by closely monitoring monthly and quarterly housing data. I analyze this data alongside market sentiment, client feedback, and transaction statistics to gain a comprehensive understanding of current market conditions. This approach allows me to provide informed advice and strategic insights to my clients, ensuring they make well- informed decisions in the dynamic real estate market.


  1. How do you build trust with your clients?
    I build trust with my clients by being transparent, reliable, and communicative. I ensure they are well informed throughout the process and always keep their best interests in mind.

  2. How do you communicate with clients throughout the buying or selling process?
    I maintain open and frequent communication with my clients through phone calls, emails, and in-person meetings. I make sure they are updated on every step of the process and are always welcome to reach out with any questions or concerns.


  1. What tips do you have for homeowners looking to sell their property?
    For homeowners looking to sell, my top tips are to declutter and stage their home to make it more appealing, set a competitive price based on a thorough market analysis, and work with a knowledgeable realtor to market the property effectively.

  2. How do you help clients determine the right price for a property?
    I will conduct a comprehensive market analysis, considering recent sales of similar properties and client goals, taking into account the unique features and conditions of the property. By combining these factors and leveraging my expertise, I ensure my clients set a competitive and realistic price that maximizes their property’s market potential.


  1. What is your favourite part of your job? 
    My favourite part of my job is twofold. Firstly, I find great joy in helping clients navigate the complexities of real estate transactions and achieve their homeownership dreams or investment goals. Secondly, the satisfaction of earning commissions through successful transactions underscores the hard work and dedication I put into each client’s journey. Both aspects combine to make real estate a truly fulfilling career for me.

  2. Do you have a favourite type of property to work with?
    I particularly enjoy working with newer homes or new construction. I appreciate their superior quality, aesthetic appeal, and the minimal potential for disputes compared to older properties. Additionally, new constructions allow buyers to customize their homes with the unique features they need.

  3. What’s your favourite local spot or hidden gem in the area you serve?
    One of my favourite local spots in southwest Edmonton is Terwillegar Park. It’s a great place to walk dogs, embrace nature, meet with friends, and enjoy the community vibe.

  4. What has been your experience at INITIA?
    My experience at INITIA has been fantastic. The support and resources provided by the company have been instrumental in my success, and I am proud to be part of such a dynamic team.

  5. What advice would you give to someone looking to buy a home?
    For anyone looking to buy a home, my advice is to take your time, do your research, and work with a reputable realtor who can guide you through the process. It’s important to find a home that not only meets your needs but also feels right for you and your family.


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